How to Teach Mindfulness Yoga CPD
Saturday 16th August 2025
Trainers: Aston Colley
In Person – St Johns College , St Giles , Oxford University, OX1 3JP
10.00 – 17.00
Mindfulness Teachers – How to Teach Mindfulness Yoga
Aston Colley HPD, BWY Yoga Dip, is running a CPD event – Mindfulness Yoga CPD.
A development day for all mindfulness and yoga practitioners, exploring mindfulness of breath and body movement. The day, a mix of theory and practice, specific guidance and choreographed practice to teach, with a script to teach from. A look at modifications and an opportunity to practice with others on the course. The day aims to provide mindfulness practitioners with tools to further their own practice. It is hoped that by gaining a deeper insight into the process of self-enquiry through gentle movement and meditation participants will, after practice, be able to impart/teach some of these insights to their students.
The fee is £130 for students and graduates of CEC and £160 for others. Attendees are requested to wear loose fitting clothing and have their own yoga mat + blanket. Aston’s workshops are inclusive to all able bodied—both experienced Yoga practitioners and complete beginners welcome.
‘Thank You so much for last Sunday’s Mindfulness Yoga workshop. It was truly relaxing, memorable, enlightening, you so beautifully filled the ‘spaces’ between Mindfulness & Yoga, as well as proving the intimacy & effectiveness of virtual connection – Thank You :-“Judy Gibson – Sept 2020 Online
If you are unsure of your suitability don’t hesitate to contact Aston on (01386 870893, as he will be happy to advise.

For further information or to book on one of our courses please call The UK College on 0121 444 1110 or email us.